Restaurant and Bars are often more prone to theft and violence. The atmosphere differs in restaurants and bars as compared to a commercial or residential scenario. Clientele, alcohol, and crowds along with dim lighting is the make-up of an ideal atmosphere for inappropriate behavior. Securing the property requires a well thought out and customized solution combining high-end security cameras, correct door hardware and locks. Acme Security has over 50 years of experience providing security services to the restaurants and bar industry. Over the years many restaurants have called upon Acme Security to ensure their facility is the safest it can be. Acme Security can provide a comprehensive security plan to ensure your restaurants and bar property is secure by providing specialized high security locks, special door hardware, access control systems, as well as security surveillance cameras to monitor your facility 24 hours a day. A security assessment from one of our qualified security experts can identify areas for improving the properties safety and security ensuring customers have a pleasant experience while protecting them from unfavorable behavior.
Security cameras are one resource that helps restaurants and bars in many areas. There are multiples types of cameras that perform differently and are designed for specific areas. Infra-red cameras are popular in restaurants and bars, due to their ability to record in dim lighting. Fixed cameras are immobile and are designed for cash registers, safes, and entrances and exits. PTZ Cameras can pan, tilt and zoom in on a situation. PTZ cameras can be automated to scan an area or the view can be changed manually.
High security locks on doors make key-bumping and other technics burglars use to illegally enter a property more difficult. The more time it takes for burglars to enter a building, the more likely they will be spotted and reported to authorities. Most burglars will bypass the building and settle for an easier target.
With the proper installation of a High Definition Security System and locks can aid in securing the property from multiple scenarios:
- The installation of cameras at the entrance and exits can provide detailed images of customers along with a date stamp, which could help investigators identify the suspect and any possible witnesses when an incident occurred.
- Identification of patrons who leave without paying their bill.
- Prevents employee theft at registers.
- Deters barkeepers from offering free drinks.
- Strategically placed cameras in the parking lot help to deter vandalism, theft, and assaults.
- In the kitchen, cameras can video food theft or accidents.
- Cameras placed in the office and pointed toward safes prevent theft.
- Illegal selling of alcohol to underage drinkers.
- Break-ins and theft.
There are multiple types of cameras and high end locks with various options that must be carefully chosen and placed to suit an individual’s environmental needs and budget. ACME Security will perform an analysis on the premises to develop a comprehensive plan to ensure your property, employees and patrons are secure. You can be assured that our focus is Securing Your World.