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hotel1Hotel and resort security is very unique compared to other business security. The lodging environment compared to other businesses and properties is a 24 hour a day operation with the unique characteristic that people and families sleep, drink, eat and play at these properties. As such, the security needs must consider all these activities while still making the hotel property easy to navigate as well as enjoyable for its guests and employees. The security for hotels, casinos, motels, and resorts must cover a wide venue including; swimming pools, parking lots, hallways, stairwells, meeting rooms, lobbies, back office and check-in areas, restaurants and shops, as well as guest’s personal property.

Securing a hospitality property requires a well thought out and customized solution that is unique to each lodging facility. It requires combining high-end security cameras, correct door hardware and locks, along with access controls and even safe deposit boxes to ensure its guests and employees and their property is safe and secure. Acme Security has over 80 years of experience providing security services to the hospitality industry. Over the years many hotels have called upon Acme Security to ensure their facility is the safest it can be.

hotel3Acme Security can provide a comprehensive security plan to ensure your property is secure by providing specialized high security locks, special door hardware, access control systems, as well as security surveillance cameras to monitor your facility 24 hours a day. Your hotel or resort's specific security needs depend on many factors. A security assessment from one of our qualified security experts can identify areas for improving the properties safety and security ensuring guests have a pleasant experience during their stay.

Acme Security can offer many solutions to your current or new hotel. We can help you determine the best security solution for your budget to keep your guests and employees safe and secure. You can be assured that our focus is Securing Your World.


Security Products to Consider for Your Lodging and Hospitality Property:

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