Today commercial buildings need have a robust and flexible security to meet the wide the variety of tenants. It is critical that owners and building management companies provide solid overall security for the premise. This should include CCTV surveillance cameras for both the building and parking facilities, a secure means to control access the building, as well as meet the required regulatory and code requirements such as ADA and Life Safety codes.
Acme Security is uniquely qualified to work with building owners and management companies to ensure proper security solutions are in place to protect tenants and make their building(s) attractive to existing tenants as well as potential tenants.
Just as important to having a secure commercial building complex it is equally important to have a resource your tenants can turn to for their specific security requirements. Acme Security will work with individual tenants to customize security solutions to meet their particular needs. Whether those needs are:
- High Security Locks
- Access Control System
- Unique Door Hardware
- Camera System
- Safes

As a full-service locksmith and security company, we have the knowledge and experience necessary to help you choose the right hardware for your commercial building as well as the specific security needs for your tenant. Acme Security provides fast, professional, reliable service and installation, so you can be provide the very best security for your office building(s), office complex, and parking facilities. You can be assured that our focus is Securing Your World.